
Ironically, my first post after 2 years is not a good one. "Peace"? Or "Peace not"? All of the feelings, anger, disappointment, obnoxiousness, neglect, mindlessness, are combined into one and the outcome is supposed to be "peace"? The relationship I have with my parents has never been a good one. There are good times, and…

1/1/2021 – Happy New Year

Long time no see! It's me again coming back here on New Year, 1/1/2021. It's been a long year right? I sometimes think it's also a historical year where anything, and by anything I mean anything, can happen. But here we are again celebrating the start of 2021 with hope, love, and faith. (Photo by…

Hope in the unknown 2020

Last time I updated my blog, I really put the title of "the unknown 2020" in my post, and after that came a twist that nobody, literally nobody, expected, the coronavirus pandemic, the worst event of the year yet. Little did I know how much impact this turn of event would put on me, my…

The Unknown 2020

Happy New Year 2020! The New Decade, New Year has come and now we are on the new page of life.  2020 did not start off very well for me as I started to have some mixed emotions either disappointment, tiredness or boredom. I was waiting for the news from a phone interview before the…

December please be good!

  Hola!  Can't believe it has been more than a year since I last wrote something, AND visited my blog! It has been a ride for me the last 16-17 months and with all the busy routines in life I didn't even bother to write. I feel bad, yes! Do I miss the feeling of…

Stay strong

Do you know that feeling when you are absolutely hopeless and the only thing you can do is to hold onto the little faith left? You tell yourself that you need to stay strong, you tell everybody that they have to stay strong. But deep inside, you know you are losing it, the "stay strong"…

Getaway with mom

Hi guys, So.. my mom came to Canada to visit me almost a month ago. While she is in Vietnam right now, the memories we had were still so vivid. After one and a half weeks staying in sunny, hot Windsor, we finally managed to get on a trip to Toronto, Montreal and Quebec City.…

Patience and time

Hi guys, I am back, with a brighter and lighter mind. Recently, I feel kinda "light". My mind tends to stay calm with any worries or problems that I have.  With an introvert like me, there seem to be millions of worries and thoughts kept in mind and they are always ready to explode. Yet,…


Hi all, I have been off for too long, haven't I? The last couple of months have been a wild ride to me. I always try to remain calm and at peace. While taking a leap on self-control and self-confidence, I still have some struggles to deal with. Starting off with finding jobs, then the…

With love and peace

Hi guys, This is supposed to be a post on WP but I decided to publish it on facebook. However, it would be a loss for not updating anything here so there you go, a post opening my 2018. I am still on the way to live through the storm with love and peace, yet…